Sunday, January 9, 2011

I was watching it snow...not common here in North Texas so I enjoy it when it happens...when I got this message from Guyanna.


Hi everyone:

It's time to start planning our Class of '66, 45th reunion! We are having our first meeting this Tuesday, January 11th at 6:30 p.m. at the local Arby's. If you live in Crawfordsville or close enough to attend, be sure to come and join in on the planning.

Mark your calendars for Saturday, May 7th. That is the CHS alumni banquet held at the high school where all reunion classes are honored. It would be nice to have a large group attend since we will be the most honored group in another five years! We are planning a gathering somewhere after the dinner and will talk more about that on Tuesday. You will receive more information on that event when we receive it.

A class party will be held sometime this summer and we hope a lot of you will be able to attend.

We have a lot of e-mail addresses but we can always use more. If you have a friend who did not receive this first e-mail, please let me know or tell them to e-mail me at so they can get on the list. Since we never have any money for paper, postage, etc., it is a lot easier to get the word out via e-mail or Facebook. Andy Mattingly is in charge of the CHS Facebook page so hopefully he can get the word out to more people too.

We also need updated addresses of classmates. If you have moved or know of someone else who has moved, let me know. It's hard to keep track of everyone after 45 years.

Looking forward to seeing you something this year when we celebrate!


Guyanna Fairchild Spurway
Class of '66 Reunion Committee