Sunday, September 2, 2007


Welcome to our blog.

I told Guyanna over a year ago that I wanted to start a site for the class of 1966. I am finally getting it done after setting up and tearing down half a dozen blog sites. I finally did what any smart woman would do...I used the same site the Class of '64 was using. Thanks David!

Enjoy it as we build it with stories of our “good old days” at CHS and all of our travels since then. Hopefully we can catch up with stories about where we’ve been over the last 40+ years. I am still shocked to say that. How can it be over 40 years out of school when I’m only 17? *laughing*

Let’s get the word out that we have a blog where we can meet again.

Becky Alexander Pratt


Blog Administrator said...

Ms. Becky

Good Start! Go Girl and the best of luck to the class of 1966 and their new blogmaster. I will add a direct link from our CHS 1964 Web site.


Janie said...

Hi Becky,
Got the message from Guyanna about this site. Bless your heart for getting something going for our class members. Hopefully there will be many more classmates that will join in the conversations. I'm anxious to see how many others we might find that have been missing, addresses misplaced, etc. Take care and hope to hear from you soon!

Blog Administrator said...

Hurray! It is so wonderful to finally have a site of our own. Becky found me two years ago through the blog for the class of 64. She has been my best friend since we were children at Mt. Zion through high school. We had been lost to each other for our entire adult lives. Thanks to the class of 64's blog master David Walls, my childhood sweetheart and sweetheart to this day, we were reunited. We even took a vacation back home and stayed at Turkey Run last summer together. Now we all have a chance to walk down memory lane together, and to find out what has happened to one another over the years. I remember all of you as young kids and teenagers, and that is the way you will always stay in my mind. By the way, maybe I should let you know who I am if you haven't figured it out yet, Jan Waldon. Goooo class of 66!!!

Bill Jouris said...

Lets hope we can keep better track of some of our poeple. I know that the one regret I have is not attending the reunions prior to 40

Way to go on the blog (what ever that is)LOL......

Becky said...

It's Becky again.

I want to ask everyone that posts to use their first and last names so we know who we're talking (or listening) to. Women please use your maiden name for the same reason.



Hi Becky

This is so cool! I hope we will be able to put our bios on sometime like the class of 64 is doing.
I had a blast at our 40th reunion but it was over too soon! It was fun to see how everyone has grown, and grown and grown!! Just kidding!

Jack Miller