Monday, October 29, 2007

How the blog works.

I've had a request (from anonymous...please sign your name to the posts so I know who they are from *laughing* it does help) for my email addy so info could be passed to me. I hadn't thought about the fact that I needed to share how this blog is set up, but I think I need to let you know that I am the moderator...if you send a message to the blog...I get it. If you don't see your message on the blog after a few days it is because I haven't posted it to the public. It doesn't mean I'm never going to post it just that I need your name...or whatever before it is posted. Anything from anonymous will not be posted. The answer to that is to sign your posts with first and last name. I've slept a few times since we got out of school *laughing* and to be honest I may have to look you up in the yearbook to know who I'm chatting with, okay?

I've had two posts that haven't been signed. I want to help, but I don't get your email address so I can only answer you in this public forum. I'm not comfortable sharing info with just anyone. Please, if you need to talk to it here...sign your name (first and last) it will come to me. If you want an answer from me please send your email address also so I can answer you.

I hope this helps.


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